Social & Cultural Psychologist
*All academic articles are the sole copyright of the respective publishers. Materials are provided for personal, educational use only. Click on PDF to download a copy of the article.
Goad, A.N., Jimenez, T., Jones, T.K., Schmitt, H.J., Sedivy, L., & Sullivan, D. (expected 2024). Credit, cops, and cages: A theory of capitalist individualism. Lexington Books (under contract as part of the book series "The Frankfurt School in New Times").
Peer-Reviewed Publication
Schmitt, H.J., Jimenez, T., & Young, I.F. (in press). Pandemic precarity: A multi-level study of neoliberal precarity and COVID-related outcomes. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. PDF
Block Ngaybe, M., Schmitt, H.J., Mallahan, S., Sena, R., Werts, S., Rooney, B., Magrath, P., Madhivanan, P. (in press). Qualitative assessment of COVID-19 vaccination acceptance among healthcare workers in Pima County. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. 2211464. PDF
Schmitt, H.J., Black, A.L., Keefer, L.A, & Sullivan, D. (in press). In a double- bind: Time-space distanciation, socioeconomic status, and coping with financial stress in the United States. British Journal of Social Psychology. PDF
Schmitt, H.J., Sullivan, D., Goad, A.N., & Palitsky, R. (2022). Coping with chronic environmental contamination: Exploring the role of social capital. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 83, 101870. PDF
Schmitt, H.J. & Sullivan, D. (2022). Communities living with chronic environmental contamination: Leveraging interdisciplinarity to address environmental justice issues. Translational Issues in Psychological Science. PDF
Sullivan, D., Schmitt, H.J., & Goad, A.N. (in press). The socio-material force theory of identity. Theory & Psychology, 33(3): 353-374. PDF
Sullivan, D. & Schmitt, H.J. (2021). An existential view of biography and history: Synchronic and diachronic narratives. History and Philosophy of Psychology. PDF
Schmitt, H.J., Young, I.F., Keefer, L.A., Palitsky, R., Stewart, S., Goad, A., & Sullivan, D. (2021). Time-space distanciation as a decolonizing framework for psychology. Review of General Psychology. 25(4), 405-421. PDF
Sullivan, D., Schmitt, H.J., Calloway, E., Clausen, W., Tucker, P.G., Rayman, J., Gerhardstein, B. (2021). Chronic environmental contamination: A narrative review of psychosocial health consequences, risk factors, and pathways to community resilience. Social Science & Medicine. 276, 113877. PDF
Schmitt, H.J.,Calloway, E., Sullivan, D., Clausen, W., Tucker, P.G., Rayman, J., Gerhardstein, B. (2021). Chronic environmental contamination: A systematic review of psychological health consequences. Science of the Total Environment. 772, 145025. PDF
Calloway, E. E., Chiappone, A.L., Schmitt, H.J., Sullivan, D., Gerhardstein, B., Tucker, P.G., Rayman, J., Yaroch, A.L. (2020). Exploring community psychosocial stress related to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination: Lessons learned from a qualitative study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 17(23), 8706. PDF
Palitsky, R., Schmitt, H.J., Sullivan, D., & Young, I.F. (2020). An existential analysis of responses to the 2020 coronavirus outbreak. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 61(2), 231-243. PDF
Schmitt, H.J., Keefer, L., Sullivan, D., Stewart, S. & Young, I. (2020). A brighter future: The effect of social class on responses to future debt. Journal of Social and Political Psychology, 8(1), 78-107. PDF
Sullivan, D., Palitsky, R., & Schmitt, H.J.(2020). The spatialization and temporalization of environmental suffering. Narrative Inquiry, 30(2), 271-293. PDF
Book Chapters
Sullivan, D., Goad, A.N. & Schmitt, H.J. (in press). Existential psychology. In Routledge Handbook of Existential Human Science. Taylor & Francis.
Palitsky, R., Sullivan, D., Young, I., & Schmitt, H.J. (2020). Religion and the construction of identity. In C. Routledge & K. Vail (Eds.), The Science of Religion, Spirituality, and Existentialism (pp. 207-222). Elsevier.
Popular Press
Vail, K. (2021, May). Harrison Schmitt on environmental contamination and suffering. International Society for the Science of Existential Psychology (ISSEP) Innovation Spotlight.
Schmitt, H.J., Young, I., & Sullivan, D. (2019, December). Colonized immortality striving and racial dehumanization in Sorry to Bother You. Ernest Becker Foundation Newsletter: Death Denial at the Movies, 26(3), 6-7.
Under Review/In Revision​
Jimenez, T. & Schmitt, H. J. (in revision). Neoliberalism and pandemics: A cultural psychological perspective. Manuscript in revision at Journal of Social and Political Psychology.
Schmitt, H.J. & Jimenez, T. (in revision). Provide or punish: A multi-level investigation of policing and neoliberalism. Manuscript in revision at Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
Lies, T.S., Omar, S.M., Schmitt, H.J., & Adams, G. (under review). The association of conservatism with environmental policy support depends on sociocultural context. Unpublished manuscript. University of Kansas.
Poudel, S., Schmitt, H.J., & Young, I.F. (under review). The role of information and communication technology in the wellbeing of low- and moderate-wealth nations. Unpublished manuscript. Beloit College.
In Preparation​
Sullivan, D., Palitsky, R., Goad, A.N., & Schmitt, H.J. (in prep). Améry’s theory of collective trauma. Unpublished manuscript. University of Arizona.
Schmitt,H.J., Sullivan, D., & Powell, A. (in prep). Social class and the shame of indebtedness. Unpublished manuscript. University of Arizona.
Schmitt, H.J., Padilla, I., Schmaltz, K.E., & Sullivan, D. (in prep). Qualitative analysis of experiences with student debt. Unpublished manuscript. University of Arizona.
Sullivan, D., Young, I.F., & Schmitt, H.J. (in prep). Projections of the Devil: David Bakan’s psychology and Robert Egger’s films. Unpublished manuscript. University of Arizona.